Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves--
Henry David Thoreau

Friday, August 5, 2011

ASR 11

moon rock stranger rusting. 
but new.  though rusted. 
only just born, considering, relative. 
you've come from nothing else.
all ego, all bravado, you are your own creature
lava rock. 
some circumstance, some passion
but perhaps without the emotional component
rather just...
born up too quickly
raised to a temperature too burning
you weren't able to form the true weight of yourself
weren't able to come to terms with your substance.
you are airy and light
and porous
you're full of negative space
but had you not been born of spontaneity and iridescence
had you been forged slowly
then maybe you could hold yourself
to earth
rather than crumble and break into violent, angry pieces of glass
then maybe you'd find a softness given to a rocked shape
then maybe you'd find humility
and let other things take you over.

ah, but can i argue a moon rock stranger out of it's nature?
ah but you are a wild hardness
you will be jagged for lifetimes
hiding long tubes of air underground until
one day
some unsuspecting creature crashes through your consciousness
makes you reveal your lightness of being.

until then you are instantly born and instantly aged. 
there is no childhood.
we break you down to cinders and throw you in with our potting soil.
how could such majesty be contained?

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