Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves--
Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, January 28, 2010

a thank you note

dear friends and family,

i got up this notion to write everyone at once, to dramatically indulge in the entry line "dear friends and family" and to take this moment to say thank you for everything each of you are to me. now, i cannot promise that this email will be grand or poetic, it won't be the sort of stuff that has Renee Zelwiegger saying "you had me at hello", BUT it comes from the heart and i mean every word.

some of you i've known for about a year (BB represent!) and some of you i've known my entire life. i have been so fortunate in my few years to have the most sincere and good people surrounding me. the love that i feel from each of you, in your own way, is well beyond any of my words. i cannot thank you all enough for the support you've given me in our time together, especially during these rocky few months. i want to tell you, that your talks in person, on the phone, in emails and facebook, in spirit, have made a huge difference in my life and my happiness. for all the advice and the laughs, silly photos and heart-to-hearts, for the hugs when i really needed to be touched, for the SOUL RECOGNITION, i thank you.

this saturday night, jan 30th, i'll be boarding a plane to ontario, CA (california that is :) ). i will be spending 6 weeks learning how to better conserve our natural lands. i'm nervous, excited and eager to be learning new things. i'll be back in Hawaii by mid-march. i don't have a physical address yet, but as soon as i get one you'll all be the first to know :)

the world seems to be splitting all the time, trying to balance the light and the dark. we live here like trees, our life bifurcating like branches, growing ever closer to a beautiful sun. my friends, my family, i carry you in my boughs, you encompass my heart in rings...we grow with each other, ever upward, ever outward, ever inward, forever.

with love


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